
Capture the moment for it takes seconds to vanish!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas it is .....

Oh goodness, have I ever been busy? Of course I have, just like the rest of you crafters out there! Busy making Christmas cards, decorating, playing with my Cricut & my Gypsy, and blah, blah, blah, I mean Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laaaa! Yes it is a busy time of year but we still manage to pile more on to our plates because a crafters mind quite simply does not know how to rest.
So last week I was listening to one of the morning shows and low & behold one of the "suggestions" was to learn to say No, so we can make time for ourselves. What? Did I hear her right? Just say NO! Take time for ourselves!
This person is obviously not a crafter is what my first thought was. She does not realize that crafting time IS FOR US!! lol
I had to laugh because there I was, listening to the show while I sat stamping page after page making my Christmas cards! I was having so much fun creating cute and simple cards. Today, I finished them so Monday they will be in the mail and yes another task can be checked off my To Do list! Woohoo